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CDFA Office of Farm to Fork - California

Urban Agriculture Grant Program - 2023 California
Urban Agriculture Grant Program - 2023 California

Urban Agriculture Grant Program

[Editorial] The focus of this grant program (see below) indicates a strong desire on the part of the CDFA to prepare for or avert a statewide food crisis in the not too distant future.

Welcome to CDFA’s Office of Farm to Fork Urban Agriculture Grant Program!

The California Department of Food and Agriculture's (CDFA) Urban Agriculture Grant Program (UAGP) is a one-time only, competitive grant that will fund programs and projects that enhance the viability of urban agriculture in urban areas across the state of CA.

Urban Agriculture refers to the cultivation, processing, and distribution of agricultural products in urban settings, including things like inground small plot cultivation, raised beds, vertical production, warehouse farms, mushroom growing, urban forestry and tree care, community gardens, rooftop farms, hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic facilities, and other innovations. Urban farmers and gardeners work among diverse populations to expand access to nutritious foods, foster community engagement, offer workforce development opportunities, educate communities about food and farming, and expand green spaces.

CDFA defines “urban” as a geographic area no more than 25 miles adjacent to or outside of one Urbanized Area containing a population of 50,000 or more people.

Priority will be given to urban agriculture projects led by or serving priority populations. Priority Populations will be identified using the California Air Resources Board’s California Climate Investments Priority Populations map.

CDFA will award up to $11,670,000 for proposals through this solicitation

Entities that are eligible to apply include:

  • Agricultural businesses and cooperatives.

  • Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) networks and associations.

  • Food councils.

  • Economic development corporations.

  • Local governments.

  • Nonprofit and public benefit corporations.

  • Producer networks or associations.

  • Regional farmers’ market authorities.

  • Tribal governments.

Award subawards to eligible urban agriculture stakeholder in your urban area for infrastructure, equipment, workforce development or technical assistance needs of projects. Subawardee projects accomplish one or more of the following achievements: -

  • Build Social Capitol and Gather Communities:

  • Demonstrate community engagement practices. -

  • Provide Education and Skills Development:

  • Provide employment development opportunities, especially youth employment and development opportunities. -

  • Supplement Access to Fresh Food:

  • Support the viability of urban food cultivation, processing, or distribution. -

  • Cultivate Agricultural Literacy: Provide educational opportunities as it relates to growing or consuming locally grown seasonal produce. -

  • Perform Ecosystem Services: Provide urban greening, habitat restoration and environmentally beneficial services such as but not limited to planting hedgerows, native plant gardens or food forests. -

  • Support Economic Development: Create new market opportunities and spur entrepreneurial activity.



About Us -

Hey there! We're a bunch of enthusiastic local farmers who are crazy about sustainable farming. We love sharing the wonders of our awesome farming community and backyard-style growing right here in our tri-county area—Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Monterey, California. 🌿

Our purpose is to educate about the benefits of a natural real plant-based lifestyle.​


We offer videos and articles that tell the story of food self-sufficiency and of its vital importance in our lives. ​

We host an amazing 🌾VIRTUAL FARMERS MARKET 🌱  that takes farm-to-table to a whole new level! Picture this: your family can have their very own personal local farmer supplying delicious and nutritious food! 

Why eat food that was grown 1500 miles away when you no longer have to? 

Together, we can work toward a healthier and more sustainable future. Join us in making a positive change today. Check out the Videos HERE or visit our VIRTUAL FARMERS MARKET to meet your personal family farmer.

“Urban agriculture isn’t a market. It’s not a trend or an industry. Urban agriculture is a movement. It’s a movement about people. It’s about people wanting to create a more sustainable future for tomorrow.”

– David Gingera

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IRS 501c3 Community Service Organization

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